While we are being careful about wording, watch it with "liberal," please. Free speech and bodily autonomy are, excuse me, were, liberal ideas. Censorship and the coerced surrender of bodily integrity are instruments of the looming totalitarian nightmare.

Yes, my "liberal" "friends" from high school would cut off my social security income and smugly watch me starve, but those are no liberals. A zombie in a tux still wants to gnaw your brain. A totalitarian in a vagina boggan still hates everything that liberalism stood for, back before the last liberal died (RIP Walt Kelly).

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Thanks for the comment, Alan. How 'bout "(il)liberal" instead?

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Alan and I are probably old enough to have been schooled in such concepts as liberty, tolerance, fairness, objectivity, freedom of speech, and perhaps even an affection for the social cohesiveness provided by the various religions in our country.

All liberal concepts that have been abandoned by most of the people who follow the various progressive movements.

As I too quickly approach my 80th year, I share Alan's sense of loss in terms of how quickly our nation has shed the liberal concepts that have their roots in the Renaissance era of enlightenment.

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That makes three of us, Dennis. Thanks for the comment.

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simply awesome

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Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it.

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Micro aggression is great, like many others....good stuff.

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Thanks for the kind words.

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