There are so many like him. Honest decent and just wanting the live in a society where Liberty and freedom are the bedrocks.

The greatest threat to America is the institutionalization of a way of thinking that replaces merit and equality with equity, that establishes race and sex as social constructs and stifles free speech. It is not people like the gentlemen in the video

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Thank you for your heartfelt comment, John. Agreed, there are many more like him of all colors and creeds...

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Thank you.....this is just like the Trudeau regime vilifying Canadians for not agreeing with him about the experimental shots and what he did and continues to do with the Freedom Convoy...... same script...... https://twitter.com/hashtag/TrudeauMustGo?src=hashtag_click

There are so many of us like him..... all over the world.......where their WEF leaders did this to them too...... https://twitter.com/search?q=%23WEFpuppet&src=typeahead_click&f=top

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Thank you for reaching out, Stella. Yes, dark times in Canada under the Trudeau regime, and very much the same script. But it's always the same script: mass alienation to mass formation psychosis to vilification to totalitarianism and oppression. Keep speaking out!

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Thanks, Jeff, I will....you are one of my favourite substacks, for sure..... :)

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What a thrill to see my name on your site! Thank you my friend.

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Just did what I should have done more than a year ago when your work first captured my imagination, Sasha. You're one of my few true muses...

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2024 has three potential outcomes: Trump victory, Trump loss and a fateful tie.

A clear win or a clear loss will be OK, Trump supporters will probably accept that outcome. Trump won’t change anything anyways as demonstrated by his presidency, the administrative state will continue as it sees fit whoever occupies the White House. 

However, should it be tie and the D’s abscond with the White House (again) I think Trump could call for an armed insurrection.

I’m a Canadian. Canadians are altogether feckless. Americans, I suspect, are very different and they have the means : The most heavily armed civilian population in human history. I wonder what they will do if their man calls for a coup d’état.

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Thank you for taking the time to comment! With no Second Amendment to protect, Canadians may be too far down the totalitarian rabbit hole to climb out for a while at least. No idea what might happen here in the event another election is decided before the polls open in 2022 or 2024.

True, as Dave Chappelle reminds us, the Second Amendment exists just in case the First Amendment doesn't work out as planned. Better advice for now is that Americans with something to say should say it right now, and keep saying it until the totalitarian threat either subsides for a while or crushes all dissent. This is the inflection point.

Thanks again.

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I enjoy your stuff. Peace through strength, the second amendment is the only thing that keeps the oligarchy in check. A clear Trump victory in 24 and then four more years of foolishness is the best possible outcome. The elite surely get this.

The most I can be said about Canada is that it doesn’t matter. Quebec is likely to separate sometime in the next couple of decades and then that’s it for Canada.

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Thank you, Diamond Boy. Glad you enjoy my work. Let's hope you're right about the 2A. Yes, a Trump or DeSantis victory in 2024 is what the elite fear most.

So sorry about Canada...

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No loss (Canada).

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Perfect formulation by a proud new American.

As for the sundowner-in-chief, poor guy, he does what he is told and then is no doubt brow beaten when he inevitably screws up.

The speech was a muscular and sincere statement of true belief by the president’s handlers. That speech clearly demonstrates the insecurity of the elite and signals their intention to fight fire with fire. They feel threatened, they see the threat as being someday kinetic and that speech a marker that they will not capitulate. They hate us.

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Yes, they do hate us. Totalitarianism cannot succeed without irrational hatred to focus and galvanize the troops. And true, their stridency is a measure of their desperation and insecurity. Despite their all-but-absolute institutional power, they still cannot move the national needle off center right. See my piece, The Center-Right Must Hold: the rough beast is awake now, here: https://jeffeinstein.substack.com/p/the-center-right-must-hold?r=7hc45&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web. Thanks again, Diamond Boy, for taking the time to reach out.

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I read it , the center must hold, the rough beast, that was a very solid analysis. I am less optimistic: The left has seized the means of cultural production, schools are teaching this nonsense to our children, marinating them in it for over a decade. I don’t think it is wobbly, I think they have the hammer. I think the belief in “progress” is our new religion, replacing Christianity, “progress” is the second coming. Yeats got it right minus Jesus.

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Yes, no doubt we are in dark times, and it may be a considerable while before the pendulum begins to swing back in any meaningful way. But the writing is already on the wall, and the new generation of apostates has arrived -- always the beginning of the end for the status quo. Many thanks for your comments.

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